Instagram Feed

So many beautiful things! Do you also marvel, as you look at Instagram, at how many times we post what we see of His creation? We are 'programmed' to appreciate what He has made. Then we are 'programmed to appreciate God? Have a God-shaped hole which only He can fill?...

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Instagram Feed

Covid and lockdown may have put relationships under very real strain but - admit it - for us they are always quite a challenge. Jesus really nailed it for us when He summarized the Ten Commandments into only two: We are to love God with everything we've got and...

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My own grief

My own grief

It’s such a sombre thought but grief since Covid struck and war broke out is all around me and you. Do you sometimes also think of that? Recently Deryn van der Tang who is a friend and blogger included in her blog an interview with me on the subject of grief and the...

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Instagram Feed

Shirley at the launch of Nick's new charity. At the end of her life she said, "We've just had Easter and it has been so special to me." I remember the days when she kept saying, "I've never been happy." In the last weeks of her life she said, "I'm so happy, I'm so...

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Instagram Feed

A flustered sea so calm a while ago and now all in a tither! Whenever I feel I'm losing my peace and getting stressed I know I need quiet time with God. I get stirred up and need to be still with Him for as long as it takes. Don't let me ever try to do life any other...

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Margin of loss

Margin of loss

MARGIN OF LOSS -MY CHILD ASKED ME TO HELP HER DIE March 17, 2022 Deryn Shirley and Thy after the operation on her leg This month’s interview is with Thy Cameron, a mother who lost her only child Shirley to cancer. This painful experience she shares with others to help...

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Instagram Feed

Bombs fall, famine bites, Covid hangs around - where is "safe"? So I look it up and read this: "If you devote your heart to Him and stretch out your hands to Him ..." (Job 11:13) "You will be secure because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest in...

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Instagram Feed

"How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say in Zion, 'Your God reins!'" (Isaiah 52:7). And who together pray for Ukraine. What a beautiful thing! Think of the 'crowd of...

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Instagram Feed

Somebody's got big feet. But this is exactly right for a Jacana chick - thank you Heather for this wonderful pic taken in Botswana on your holiday. When I saw it I immediately thought, "I've got so much growing to do - such big shoes to fill - as I strive to become...

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Thy Cameron