Thy’s Instagram Feed

We visited Balmoral Castle once and it struck me as such a magnificent place and also as a home very dear to someone - Queen Elizabeth in fact. A magnificent place - and our next pic is an endearing place - I'm sure you recognize the Cotswolds? My last pic is a...

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Thy’s Instagram Feed

We know what it's like to seek and search and long for the real thing. When the soccer world cup was in Cape Town I took a picture of this poster displayed in the foyer of a Waterfront hotel. What fascinates me now is a counterfeit object among those ostrich...

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Thy’s Instagram Feed

Charmed by the haunting sound of marimba you are making this video. And then someone walks into your picture that just shouldn't be there! Have you had Jesus call you to be somewhere at sometime and you didn't want to step into the picture? A pastor friend recently...

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Thy’s Instagram Feed

"Hurt? Let's talk, pray, hug." So I went up to this guy. We were walking at Green Point along the esplanade, along with many others."So are you a Jesus guy?" I said, and he lit up with a smile. "Yes, oh yes." Did you know that the prodigal son had many, many elder...

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Thy’s Instagram Feed

Now you are eleven! And your Mum works hard to give you a birthday party - the first one for years. She cooks and bakes. Her friend makes the dress with the lovely yellow material she has. Just look at your wonderful cake! So much love gets showered on you. When you...

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Thy’s Instagram Feed

At the Waterfront in Cape Town! I wonder if leaving him there would be an act of love? You know, blessing him or to bless her? Jesus put our loving God as the best thing for us to do - but then He followed it closely with "love one another" and what better example of...

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Thy’s Instagram Feed

We prayed. Then we had elections. We didn't wait to hear the results. We just praised because we knew to put it all in the hands of Jesus meant cause for praise. I was touched by Wilemina - so much illness and financial challenge but her praise does not stop. I have...

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Thy’s Instagram Feed

Crossroads. Here in South Africa we have a a crisis election a few days ahead. Which way is it going to go? I don't know - do you? All I know is to pray, pray, and pray. And be satisfied and content in that. Yeah, that's how to be calm and content for sure....

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Thy’s Instagram Feed

Why do I connect the politics of today - here in South Africa, in America and all over the world - with this plaque pinned to the wall of the Bridge Inn in Eskdale? When I took the picture in 2023 it was because I found it funny but I don't find it funny now. Truth...

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Thy’s Instagram Feed

I video this half collared kingfisher from the birdhide on Intaka Island and then come home to find that the birdbook says they don't occur in this area. In one way Jesus has His Kingdom Citizens in places where they hang out but don't quite fit they are so different....

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Thy Cameron