Thy’s Instagram Feed

We are looking for Betys y coed in Wales. The bed and breakfast sounds more and more welcome. Now the tin lady from Satnav has brought us here. We stare as she declares, "Recalculating route." I'll say! - no glossy brochure ever looked like here! Or introduced them!...

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Thy’s Instagram Feed

Shirley ready to play at her eistedford. I was very proud of the outfit I had made for her and she was very proud to come home with her gold certificate. The years passed and she went on playing but a day did come when she stopped. In 2013, as her cancer continued to...

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Thy’s Instagram Feed

One of the pics on a holiday in the UK years ago amused me because it reminded me of a movie called, "Honey, I shrank the kids." Only this time round the caption got changed and became, "Honey, I shrank Mom"! Now it makes me think about what am I like today? Have I...

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Thy’s Instagram Feed

"How can you see all the fields of wild flowers - they're dancing gently in the breeze - and not believe in God?" This was Leon's question. As a tour guide he had just come home and was about to go out again. How indeed! And when you add in an egret lunching between...

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Thy’s Instagram Feed

We know about dysfunctional families and they are human ones but there is nothing dysfunctional about this Canadian goose family. It's just beautiful! And some of us have been in dysfunctional families. Others of us in beautiful ones. But those hordes of us adopted...

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Thy’s Instagram Feed

Do you wonder what's cooking? Veggy soup, always with tomato and onions? Bean stew made tasty with meaty stock cubes? Curry rich in turmeric and herbs? We can go on pondering and guessing for ever but there's one thing that's for sure, every such pot prepared for the...

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Thy’s Instagram Feed

Years ago as a Christian radio journalist I interviewed people who, because of the raging fires the Cape had that January, had been told to evacuate. "What did you take?" I asked. Nearly everyone said "My photographs." One said, "My teddy bear, my toothbrush and a...

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Thy’s Instagram Feed

Jenni had this mega trampoline given her by her dad. It stood in the back yard and why not try it out, I asked. So I did. I learnt that it wasn't impossible - even for me. And I got to thinking, my God is the God of the impossible ... and when we fall back on Him, the...

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Thy’s Instagram Feed

I was captivated, after I took this pic of the Cape Town Waterfront, by the clouds tumbling in. More and more and more! So much so that I painted this scene and it now hangs in our lounge. Again and again it reminds me of the "overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love...

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Thy’s Instagram Feed

Talk about exploring just who am I! Don't you love this little guy - on a journey of discovery. It's also a journey to get to appreciate who I am. And it's the same journey you are on and I am on - discovering the wonder of being "fearfully and wonderfully made". What...

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Thy Cameron