Thy’s Instagram Feed

Written by Thy Cameron

July 29, 2022

What a joy to come across flowers – and bees enjoying them with me – on my walk! I remember a pot of real natural honey – sadly empty now – which we have just enjoyed. I also remember my twin brother giving this response to our young grade two teacher when she asked him to recite Samson’s riddle in Bible class: “Rose’s are red and violets are blue, Honey is sweet and so are you.” Judges 14:18 reads, “What is sweeter than honey? What is stronger than a lion?” There is something sweeter than honey and it is the pure love of God flowing into our hearts. And there is something stronger than a lion: the unstoppable might and power of God protecting us all the time….
I chuckle now but back then I thought the teacher actually blushed?

#riddle # bees #honey # sweetness #beauty # Samson # Bible class # love of God # power # protection # embarrassment


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