Thy’s Instagram Feed

Written by Thy Cameron

November 25, 2022

This was just so cute it totally captured my attention for a moment or two. And then I got back to my own worship. And there is such good reason for big-time worship on my part: the tumor came out easily, there was a good bloodsupply making joining bits without creating a stoma feasible, 15 lymph nodes are all clear, chemo and/or radiation are not necessary, keyhole surgery was possible – and on and on and on. I’m in awe at what prayer – an army load of it – can do. Psalm 9 says it for me: “I will praise You, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders. I will rejoice and be glad in You; I will sing praise to Your name O Most High.” The praise is bubbling up in me and I want to pop with it – even if I don’t wave a flag!


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