Thy’s Instagram Feed

What should I see when I look at myself ... and what do I see? I should see change, I should be becoming more and more Christlike and, praise God, I am. He has begun a good work in me and He will complete it! What does He see when He looks at me? A job already...

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Thy’s Instagram Feed

"You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God ..." (1Pet 2:9) Brian and I visited Balmoral Castle in 2007. It struck us as a very beautiful, very royal place but also winsome: there is a sign up which reads, 'Beware of...

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Thy’s Instagram Feed

What pure delight! Jenny when she and her Mum were boarding with us. She brought me such pleasure and we were great buddies - I loved her chatter and noise and games and called her Boo. God delights in His children - and seeing we are His children, "The Lord your God...

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Thy’s Instagram Feed

Yesterday on a Zoom meeting with Australia I was surprised how difficult talking about my own grief still is - still a giant of a sort. The horror of another shooting of children - this time in Texas - is another giant thing tearing me apart. As is the pulverising of...

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Thy’s Instagram Feed

We visit "Ons Huisie" often at Blouwbergstrand. And I never fail to notice the doggie bar. I think what gets to me is the kindness behind it. While the humans are fed delicious fish and chips and other things the hot and panting dogs can have a drink before they lie...

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Thy’s Instagram Feed

Just think all over the world a "cloud of witnesses" are steadily on their way towards the Light. Oh I know the journey's one of twists and turns, bumps and falls but it is essentially a journey from A to B. We are all going home and we can't be lost on the way. He is...

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Thy’s Instagram Feed

"Today Shirley, you are doing exactly what the little video clip reveals - full of indescribable joy, you are in heaven praising God. Today eight years ago Jesus wrapped His arms around you in welcome into heaven. Meanwhile, since you wanted your story told as one...

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Thy Cameron