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“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say in Zion, ‘Your God reins!'” (Isaiah 52:7). And who together pray for Ukraine. What a beautiful thing! Think of the...
Mum please help me die

Mum please help me die

Somebody’s got big feet. But this is exactly right for a Jacana chick – thank you Heather for this wonderful pic taken in Botswana on your holiday. When I saw it I immediately thought, “I’ve got so much growing to do – such big shoes to...

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Somebody’s got big feet. But this is exactly right for a Jacana chick – thank you Heather for this wonderful pic taken in Botswana on your holiday. When I saw it I immediately thought, “I’ve got so much growing to do – such big shoes to...
Mid March 2022

Mid March 2022

March 15 and good to get together again. This time Shirley shares her story both in what she says and in pictures: “What kind of a God can do something good out of cancer? How cool is that?” “Somehow I managed to miss discovering how very much God loves me.  I was...

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“My Mum has been sick for a long time.” He picks up a little cloth: “Then give her one of these.” Shirley comes away from the conference and pops the cloth in the post for me. Now, I can’t tell you how many years later, I come across it...

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How can we depict the devastated world as it is now, with its pollution and corruption, starvation and sickness, and now bombing and shelling? Perhaps this picture does it well – plenty of black and ash? I took it near Simonstown after the fires one January. But...