Be careful when you kiss a moose that you don’t regret it afterwards. We were in Bergen in 2017 about to cruise the fjords and up a querky little lane I found this handsome specimen. But after I had kissed him I began to wonder – howmany others had kissed him on exactly the same spot? What contamination – granted this was before covid – had I not picked up? Wonderful that while the germs of others might contaminate us the sins of others leave us unscathed! All I need to deal with are my own sins – and if I confess, “He is faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”! And by the way, I didn’t get sick but won’t kiss a moose again in such a hurry!
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What a charming ornament to put on your window sill - to love again, every time you walk past and open you front door....