Thy’s Instagram Feed

Written by Thy Cameron

October 21, 2022

“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news” (Isaiah 52:7)
Xrays, scans, biopsies, the MRI …
These all bring news too. But when can I be sure that it is good news?
When I know Him as with me in it whatever it is. “My grace is sufficient for you.”
“But but:
when it is not ok because it’s too enormous for me – then You supply more grace to top it up so to speak – until in You it is really ok – and I find Your grace so very sufficient ?
So I may have to turn aside, take off my slipslops for a while but peace comes my way? Thank You dear Lord.
And so, no matter what message the scans and biopsies bring, the answer to the question, when is it good news, becomes, “Always – when Jesus is in it all.”


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