Thy’s Instagram Feed

I’m looking through my pics to find one for today’s posting and I come across this one. Shirley was not in school yet. You can imagine how precious pictures are – since her death in 2014 all that is left is deafening silence – no new comment...

Thy’s Instagram Feed

It’s a sad thing but I’m so aware of how fearful we are and how much security now features in our thinking. So we have razor blade fences, beams lighting up the garden – often caused by the cat – a cluster of safety locks and chains on our...

Thy’s Instagram Feed

Closed for repairs? I wish. Trouble to the left, disaster to the right, destruction below – perhaps sending this world in for repairs is a very good idea. That is – until we remember that “He’s got the whole world in His hands.” When we...

Thy’s Instagram Feed

This was just so cute it totally captured my attention for a moment or two. And then I got back to my own worship. And there is such good reason for big-time worship on my part: the tumor came out easily, there was a good bloodsupply making joining bits without...

Thy’s Instagram Feed

I was going to post the pic taken of me in ICU on Monday – and my smile at being so well cared for. Then my physio sent me this – walking the passage with Brian the next day. What a journey – from being diagnosed with colon cancer on 4 October...

Thy’s Instagram Feed

Dear Shirley, it is now eight years since you began your rejoicing in heaven. This pic shows your preparations for the last dinner you cooked – with your dad and I as your guests. And now I have cancer too. On Monday they operate to remove the tumor from my...