Thy’s Instagram Feed

Getting forms filled in and registered can be the dullest business. And then this most beautiful little cameo played out in front of my eyes. She had brought some make up in a packet and set out to make Granny beautiful. Granny was beautiful already but she wanted her...

Thy’s Instagram Feed

Anna was very old and at the age of 84 had been a widow for 7 years. “She never left the temple but worshipped night and day, fasting and praying”(Luke 2:37). Here we were in Oslo making new friends – see pics. And while I knew that my heart was not...

Thy’s Instagram Feed

“Yipee – it’s Friday!” And so it is! How wonderful are those moments when we have a spring in our step – we can’t explain why – but we don’t need to. There may be nothing in the circumstances as we look around us to make...

Thy’s Instagram Feed

Frenzy, frazzle, fret. And then we find a pic like this. And now we think of serenity, togetherness, shalom. The charm of it melts away stress. Peace decends and we strive to be really deeply still. And then it is that we are one with God. Without that deepest place...

Thy’s Instagram Feed

In 2005 Teri takes me round Washington. We have been students together at Regent University and I’m on my way to Virginia Beach to start a new course. We pull up beside the Ptomac River. I’m fascinated by three statues emerging from the ground. The first...