Thy’s Instagram Feed

“Mud, glorious mud!” When the mud is so good you totally, but totally, focus on it, never-ending big sister floating in and out of the video. Such a concentration of our lives on Jesus is actually even better than this. As soon as we want Him He draws us...

Thy’s Instagram Feed

Mesmerizing? I watch it over and over again! I took this in Addo Elephant Park and treasure the footage. But then, the more I get to know my Father the more His purity mesmerizes me.This is not because of the incredible things He has made, mind blowing as they are,...

Thy’s Instagram Feed

“I don’t like my new look,” Shirley said. So many things about the cancer experience are very tough, many of us agree. In fact, cancer has mauled mpst of us in some way, even if we haven’t had it ourselves. What we come to look like on the...

Thy’s Instagram Feed

We are looking for Betys y coed in Wales. The bed and breakfast sounds more and more welcome. Now the tin lady from Satnav has brought us here. We stare as she declares, “Recalculating route.” I’ll say! – no glossy brochure ever looked like...

Thy’s Instagram Feed

Shirley ready to play at her eistedford. I was very proud of the outfit I had made for her and she was very proud to come home with her gold certificate. The years passed and she went on playing but a day did come when she stopped. In 2013, as her cancer continued to...

Thy’s Instagram Feed

One of the pics on a holiday in the UK years ago amused me because it reminded me of a movie called, “Honey, I shrank the kids.” Only this time round the caption got changed and became, “Honey, I shrank Mom”! Now it makes me think about what am...