Thy’s Instagram Feed

What a handful! We are, aren’t we? This photo was taken in 2005. The hand is part of an artwork along the Ptomac River in Washington. We do know we are quite a handful – but nothing beyond the management of our God who chooses to take care of us not...

Thy’s Instagram Feed

That’s what the camera saw – when it tried to put us on display. We were trying to take selfies and very much in the learning stages. Hence the rather poor photograph. I comfort myself that God’s picture of us is always perfectly clear and that I...

Thy’s Instagram Feed

My last post of Egyptian Geese goslings seemed to me to speak for itself. So I posted it without words for you to enjoy as it was. Today I have some meercats for you. But they are totally out of place! It is 2004 and they are at the flowershow at Hamdon Court, London....