Thy’s Instagram Feed

What should I see when I look at myself … and what do I see? I should see change, I should be becoming more and more Christlike and, praise God, I am. He has begun a good work in me and He will complete it! What does He see when He looks at me? A job already...

Thy’s Instagram Feed

“You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God …” (1Pet 2:9) Brian and I visited Balmoral Castle in 2007. It struck us as a very beautiful, very royal place but also winsome: there is a sign up which reads,...

Thy’s Instagram Feed

What pure delight! Jenny when she and her Mum were boarding with us. She brought me such pleasure and we were great buddies – I loved her chatter and noise and games and called her Boo. God delights in His children – and seeing we are His children,...

Thy’s Instagram Feed

Yesterday on a Zoom meeting with Australia I was surprised how difficult talking about my own grief still is – still a giant of a sort. The horror of another shooting of children – this time in Texas – is another giant thing tearing me apart. As is...