Thy’s Instagram Feed

We prayed. Then we had elections. We didn’t wait to hear the results. We just praised because we knew to put it all in the hands of Jesus meant cause for praise. I was touched by Wilemina – so much illness and financial challenge but her praise does not...

Thy’s Instagram Feed

Crossroads. Here in South Africa we have a a crisis election a few days ahead. Which way is it going to go? I don’t know – do you? All I know is to pray, pray, and pray. And be satisfied and content in that. Yeah, that’s how to be calm and content...

Thy’s Instagram Feed

Why do I connect the politics of today – here in South Africa, in America and all over the world – with this plaque pinned to the wall of the Bridge Inn in Eskdale? When I took the picture in 2023 it was because I found it funny but I don’t find it...

Thy’s Instagram Feed

I video this half collared kingfisher from the birdhide on Intaka Island and then come home to find that the birdbook says they don’t occur in this area. In one way Jesus has His Kingdom Citizens in places where they hang out but don’t quite fit they are...

Thy’s Instagram Feed

I stand with the breath-taking Table Mountain behind me across Table Bay. And in front of me are “love steps” created by someone who knows. He or she has spent precious time pouring over 1 Corinthians 13 and precious time sitting in the presence of God. He...