Thy’s Instagram Feed

All over the world pedestrians – four or two legged – lose their way. These reindeer are no exception. In particular, human pedestrians are the ones thinking they know where to go. Eventually disillusioned, they have to admit their confusion. And...

Thy’s Instagram Feed

How wonderful to be in the right place at the right time! I videod this beautiful purple heron on the pond below our flat skillfully catching his/her? dinner and swallowing it down with real expertise. I was really chuffed I can tell you. And aren’t we all...

Thy’s Instagram Feed

“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news” (Isaiah 52:7) Xrays, scans, biopsies, the MRI … These all bring news too. But when can I be sure that it is good news? When I know Him as with me in it whatever it is....

Thy’s Instagram Feed

Every day at 12 o’clock the noonday gun is fired from Signal Hill in Cape Town. Today as it boomed out across the city a couple of us videoed the shot. It was so loud we jumped – and our videos did too – as you can see! When I looked at mine I had to...

Thy’s Instagram Feed

How often does one get to take this exact pic? A red bishop and a masked weaver next to each other? Yet our lives are dotted with special moments we will never forget. Moments when something exquisite – like this – is happening. Like the moment for Moses...

Thy’s Instagram Feed

Every day at 12 o’clock the noonday gun is fired from Signal Hill in Cape Town. Today as it boomed out across the city a couple of us videoed the shot. It was so loud we jumped – and our videos did too – as you can see! When I looked at mine I had to...